application, which is the mean for recording the quantitative and qualitative data that will compose the tree inventory.
web application GreenTree Server, consisting of a computing system that is connected to the GreenTree Android Client application, storing and capturing spatial data of the tree registry.
ΤΕΧΝΟΟΜΟΙΟΣΤΑΣΗ Ο.Ε.ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗΣΑιγαίου 102, Καλαμαριά Θεσσαλονίκη, Τ.Κ. 551 33τ. 2310.989.585 | f. 2310.423.514
HOMEOTECH Co.ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY102 Egeou Str., P.C. 551 33, Kalamaria Thessaloniki, Greecep. 2310.989.585 | f. 2310.423.514